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Top 5 Marketing Trends of 2015

2015 is now behind us as we embark on 2016. So what worked in marketing for 2015? In an article on Shayna Marks (@shaynamrx) asked several thought leaders in business what worked for them in 2015. Here’s the top 5 with my comments in ( ):

1.  Social Media. (This is a moving target, what worked a year ago has already changed. However what is not changing is,  businesses need to be where the people are and they are on social media)

2. Content Marketing. (this will continue to grow as consumers will gravitate to companies that build useful informational, informative content)

3. Mobile Marketing & ecommerce. (Big and getting bigger. As much attention should be paid to mobile as desktop and even moreso in the future)

4. Conversion Optimization. (Finding what converts and doing more of that. It’s thr adage “soar with your strengths” and this is about finding that sweet spot and then maximizing it)

5. Digital Security. (more everyday companies are getting hacked, I have a client right now that has their website hacked into – thankfully we’re building them a new one – but this is a growing concern and understanding your own cyber security is important.

It’s interesting how “Traditional Media” didn’t make the top 5. I will say, there’s a lot of value in traditional media still, don’t throw it totally way, however this top 5 shows you we live in a digital marketing world.

So let’s hit the button for 2016 and see what marketing trends emerge this year!

2016 Start, Two Thousand Sixteen.







FreakonomicsSo on my blog I usually write about business types of things, however I just read a great book called “Freakonomics” yes it’s been out for awhile, I’m late to the party but better late than never!

In this book, a brilliant economist (Steven D. Levitt) teams up with an equally brilliant writer (Stephen J. Dubner) to gain answers to some interesting questions; “What do school teachers and sumo wrestlers have in common?” “Why do drug dealers still live with their moms?” “The probability a real estate agent is cheating you,” “What makes a perfect parent?” etc…

On the latter, “What makes a perfect parent?” being the father of two boys I was wondering where I’d fall short so I was eager to read that chapter and to find out. Levitt and Dubner dive into “nature vs. nurture,” “how important is the school the child attends?” “does too much TV really negatively impact your child” among other things. The chapter is a fun read and I will cut to the chase – do parents really matter?

The short answer is yes – but it’s not the parenting technique, it’s not so much what you do, (read to them, take them to museums, limit TV time), but who you are as parents. They say parents who are well educated, successful and healthy, (as well as honest, thoughtful, loving and curious about the world), tend to have children who are likely to succeed.

Again it’s not so much what you do as a parent but who you are as parents that matter most. They admit this is a bit of an over generalization, but this is what the research shows and I just wanted to pass it along for what it’s worth. And if you want a fun, interesting, romp of a read, definitely pick up Freakonomics, I highly recommend it!
